
Master Class

Multi Plate lino

Intermediate/Advanced 3 Consecutive Saturdays

Cost $280. Includes all necessary materials. (Inks, paper etc.) Places for 5 participants.

This workshop is for those who are familiar with printmaking studio and etching press protocol and who have completed at least one other relief (lino or other relief plate method) workshop.

Week One: In this workshop we will start with the traditional method of producing a multi-colour print edition which involves using a separate plate for each colour. For realistic/illustrative images these are usually designated yellow, red, blue and black, (yellow, magenta, cyan, black), however these can be modified to create specific colour harmonies or discords according to what the printmaker wants to achieve.

Participants should arrive with source materials, drawings, photos etc. The class will decide on the sizes and formats for each of the three presses and will learn how to design and construct templates and registration systems to suit. Each student will prepare several papers with registration tabs ready for printing. We will plan how to separate the colour spaces on each plate to achieve the desired result. Time to start cutting the first plate. This first class will send you home with a set of four plates, drawing registered on each, to finish cutting over the week.

Week Two: The morning will be a “Printfest”. Each student will set up to mix inks and roll up their four plates which will register into the press templates and print in perfect registration!!!

Then I will mess with your head adding to the conversation - opaque vs transparent roll ups, multi hue roll ups, the use of stencils and wipes and the use of chine colle. In the afternoon we will discuss other methods/meanings/techniques of ‘multi-plate’ printing. (Image above “Sentinel” multi plate vinyl cut plates with direct drawing) For example: Mixed multi-plate (combining monotype, relief, intaglio, collagraph plates); Shaped plates, jigsaw plates; Mixed media with multi-plate (collage, direct drawing, pochoir).

Students can then plan a second project, either another traditional multi-plate lino or try one of the above ideas to prepare over the week.

Week Three: All day ‘Printfest’. Afternoon group critique and workshop evaluation.